Weight loss discussion is something we can find the most trending when we surf the internet. Of course, it should be, as the problem has overtaken the peace of the ladies on Earth.
The compiling work, unwanted stress, multitasking pressure, sedentary lifestyle, and no exercise is accelerating the problem to a vast extent and women feel helpless for not attaining the perfect body ratio they once held during their young age.
In some of the prime cases concerning weight loss for females, predefined prescribed diet plans along with light exercises are proving the rescue rangers.
In this article, we will discuss the basic concerns related to female weight loss management and the top 15 tips to lose weight smartly. Let’s dive in…
Weight Gain: A Major Problem For Women
Weight loss has been a raging topic of concern among women nowadays. Post-marriage and childbirth; women are more prone to weight gain because of their hormonal and physical changes along with diet as well as life routine.
When you gain weight, it not only affects your physical appearance but also increases the risk of acquiring more health issues as mentioned below-
- Infertility
- Obesity
- Diabetes
- Anxiety & Depression
- Heart Attack & Stroke
- Mental Health Issues
- Joint Pain
- Muscular Pain
Why Are Women More Prone To Weight Gain
A bitter truth, but women are more prone to gain weight as compared to men. As women age, it gets harder for them to shed the extra weight for them, making it more challenging post the age of 40.
The drastic changes in lifestyle along with add-on physical as well as mental pressure are the two prime causes of attracting more weight. However, other underlying factors among women to gain weight are as follows-
- Changes in body structure
- Fluctuation in estrogen levels
- Decreasing levels of metabolism
How Does Weight Loss Diet Plan Work?
Weight loss is a biological process of calorie consumption and burning. One gains weight when the calories and fat intake is readily more than that of the consumption.
Therefore, weight loss strategies often consider cardio and yoga to burn the excessive amount of calories in our bodies. When you consistently reduce the number of calories, the ratio reverses with calorie intake being lower than consumed.
This happens with an aesthetic weight loss diet routine which helps you get back to your ideal calorie consumption required according to your regular physical activities.
5 Diet Mates For Quick Weight Loss
Green Leafy Vegetables
Green vegetables are abundant in vitamins, fiber and antioxidants which boost your metabolism, helping you shed extra weight. There is no confusion about considering fresh leafy vegetables in your diet for better blood circulation, strong immunity and glowing skin.
Vitamin Rich Fruits
A diet full of fruits nourishes your body with vitamins and nutrients and prevents it from major diseases such as cancer, high blood pressure and abdominal problems. It is at least not adding extra calories as sugar does.
Ginger contains gingerol which acts as natural medicine to help fight common flu, aiding digestion problems and reducing morning sickness. It also promotes feeling of fullness and reduces the amount of fat absorbed.
Lemons are also known as an excellent weight loss superfood which quickly burns your belly fat, provides glow to your skin, and reduces digestive problems. It also prevents the development of kidney stones and keeps your body hydrated for long hours.
Curd is an excellent fat burner. It contains a high amount of calcium which helps in keeping the BMI levels in check. The probiotics, present in curd; balance the digestive system and improves metabolism, eventually facilitating the weight loss process.
A Quick Rundown on a Healthy Diet Plan

Early Morning: 1-2 Glass of lukewarm water or lime juice
Breakfast: 1 medium bowl of oats, upma, or eggs with toast
Mid Morning: Any fruit or handful of dry fruits of your choice
Lunch: 2 Whole Wheat multigrain bread, 1 medium size bowl of vegetable curry or soup along with some curd
Evening Snack: Green Tea, Roasted Chickpea / seasonal fruits
Dinner: Grilled chicken or fish for protein intake, 1 bowl of vegetable curry or soup, 1 medium plate of salad
Top 15 Tips For Females To Lose Weight Smartly
- Always rely on fresh meals and avoid eating stale food.
- Never compromise in drinking water. Take at least 2-3 liters of water to lose weight faster. Remember hydrated body functions better concerning physical changes.
- Settle down your sleep cycle to a fixed routine as it reduces the craving for sweets and carbohydrates.
- Avoid binge eating as it leads to excessive intake of calories which eventually increases your weight.
- Practice sound sleep by switching off all your electronic gadgets and putting off the lights. A proper sleep pattern helps you prevent storing extra fats.
- Chew your food slowly to let the nutrients absorb completely.
- Use the smaller size of plates and bowls to stick to the adequate amount of your meal and avoid excessive intake in your regular diet.
- Plan your meal a day before so that you won’t end up eating junk or processed food.
- Besides your 3 prime meals of the day, take 2-3 light mini-meals consisting of fruits, nuts, salads, peanuts, etc., to maintain your energy levels.
- Opt more for fiber-rich foods as they make you feel full with a smaller amount and prevent you from binge eating.
- Avoid starvation or a zero-carb diet routine except your physician has told you.
- Never skip having breakfast which should ideally be taken within 30 minutes of waking up.
- Rely more on hearty and wholesome breakfasts such as light paratha, eggs, bread, pancakes, etc.
- Lunch should be taken on a medium level with protein and fiber whereas dinner must be lighter than two of the former meals.
- One meal in a week can be a cheat meal but make sure it won’t cross your predefined deadlines.
Bottom Line
Among the above-mentioned tips and diet plan suggestions, the prime concern is to take the guidance of a physician while choosing the diet plan concerning your body requirements and health issues. Remember, someone’s diet routine doesn’t apply to the other. So always seek guidance from the experts.
Besides this, certain healthy lifestyle changes also have a significant impact on your diet routine. So make some space and adapt these healthy diet habits to bring better results faster and smarter. If you want us to write any of the health-related concerns or have queries related to our articles, please connect with us and we’ll be to the rescue. Till then, stay healthy, and be wealthy!
- The 7 Best Weight Loss Meal Plans for Women in 2022- https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/best-weight-loss-meal-plans-for-women
- Female Weight Loss Diet With 7 Day Meal Planning [2022]- https://fitelo.co/female-weight-loss-diet/
- Weight Loss Diet Plan for Women- https://www.health-total.com/weight-loss/weight-loss-for-women/
- Top 23 Weight Loss Tips for Women- https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/weight-loss-for-women