The work rush is on. You’re getting late for a meeting, skipping breakfast and dropping off the water bottle in the kitchen. You may reach the meeting on time, but you will unintentionally welcome a headache or migraine attack. And this excruciating pain in your head will change the complete game.
Of course, a healthy diet, regular exercise and meditation are there to help you lessen the attacks but what should be done instantly to ease it off? Here we have listed down the 7 effective ways to treat migraine instantly. Check them out!
Ease of Migraine Attack with These 7 Steps
Get into Dark
When migraine hits, the first move you must take is to head into a room where you can dim or turn off the lights to feel complete darkness. This will ease the pain a bit and help relaxing. If you’re working at your computer, take a break from it as bright screen light may trigger the pain.
Form Peace
You can’t treat a headache or migraine attack surrounded with noises. Escape to a peaceful place out of crowd and noises that feel like thorns during migraine attacks. Tune in some light music to knock out other noises but don’t use earphones as they may hit the pain points.
Once you form peace and darker ambience; begin applying a light pressure on the pain points. This will help reduce the sharp pain and you may feel a bit relaxed. Pressing on the pain points helps increase the blood circulation which eventually eases off the pain. Gently press on your forehead, scalp, neck and behind the ears to ease down. You can seek help from another person to practise this for around 10-15 minutes.
Hot/Cold Compressors
Hot and cold compressors are the best companion whenever we talk about muscular pain. To reduce the impact of migraine or headache, use a cold or hot compression upon the pain areas for at least 15 minutes and then remove it for the next 15 minutes. By repeating this, you will begin feeling a bit of relaxation from the pain and get rid of it.
Sip Caffeinated Beverages
As an instant solution, you can drink any beverage with a slight content of caffeine. If you sip them right after migraine hits you, it will reduce the pain to a larger extent. But take it in excess as it may result in more pain due to the effect of caffeine withdrawal.
Avoid Triggers
Migraine or headache sometimes triggers with the ambience and food you’re consuming. You may be taking ingredients that are welcoming headaches for you as a side effect. Some of the common triggers are red wine, strong smells, aged cheese and cured meat. So beware what hits you hard and avoid such triggers.
The best remedy to reduce headache or migraine pain is to sleep in a quiet, dim light place where you won’t get distracted by noises. Avoid taking too little or too much sleep span as it reduces your ability to deal with pain. As an instant remedy, try to indulge in a deep sleep to feel less stressed and ease your headache.
When to Visit a Doctor
If the headache or migraine pain is persistent even after taking all remedies and over-the-counter pill; then you must visit your doctor to avoid severe circumstances. In many cases, the symptoms get worse and you may begin experiencing dizziness, speech problems, confusion, or other neurological disorders. In such cases, contact your doctor immediately and take required medications. But don’t take any medications without prescriptions.
Migraine attacks aren’t something to take just for granted and hence, there are plethora of medications and therapies available to help you ease this pain. But there is something to remember that you should never take any of the medicine by yourself without consulting your medical practitioner.
Besides this, avoid situations and food habits such as skipping meals, taking food which triggers migraine or leading a sedentary lifestyle. These factors always welcome headaches along with other physical disorders.
So make a wise move towards a healthier and better life.
If you think you need consultation regarding your headache or migraine attacks, connect with us and we will let you contact the best of the fields to resolve all your queries. Till then, stay healthy and be wealthy!