According to the study published in Neurotherapeutics, ADHD is primarily caused by structural and developmental problems in the brain during the growing phase.
Children with ADHD often encounter the problem of low self-esteem, social anxiety, poor relationships, and degraded performance in academics as well as other curricula, eventually triggering the feeling of failure.
Before ADHD dominates the development of your child, take essential preventions and cut off the higher probability of your child suffering from this life-hacking disorder.
In this article, we will study ADHD, its causes, and preventive methods that may help parents to rescue their children from being affected by ADHD. So let’s dive in…
What’s ADHD?
Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a behavioral and mental disorder that affects the concentration of a person and makes it difficult to pay attention. People living with the disorder ADHD have an impulsive nature which is difficult to control over time. They are often restless and overly active.
The stages of ADHD range from mild to severe, and so does the effect on behavior and life. Toxic parental environments trigger the consequences. However, a positive and healthy environment may help children as well as adults diminish the effects and lead healthier lives.
What Causes ADHD?
Researchers and medical giants are not firmly sure about the prime causes of ADHD. Yet, they have been able to pen a good list of causes that trigger the problem of ADHD, leading to severe circumstances if left untreated.
The researchers at the University of Southern California found that teens who are more prone to digital media such as social media, video games, text messages, and other online activities; are twice as likely to develop ADHD. Other causes found behind ADHD are as follows-
- Excessive consumption of alcohol and drugs by parents while they’re conceiving or going through the pregnancy phase as it bars the healthy development of the child’s brain.
- Exposure to environmental toxins such as lead and mercury also increases the probability of ADHD in children.
- ADHD can genetically be inherited from blood relatives by the child if they also suffer from the same problem.
- Premature birth is another risk factor for adapting ADHD in the child.
- Wrong parenting and a toxic environment are two of the strongest causes to trigger ADHD in children.
- Life trauma or sudden downfalls in career, relationships, or depressive lifestyle may also lead to ADHD.
Symptoms & Complications With ADHD
ADHD occurs more in males than in females and symptoms can be different for both genders. Boys with ADHD may be hyperactive whereas girls may remain inattentive or vise-versa. The symptoms of ADHD may begin before the child is 3 years old. In some cases, the symptoms initiate during the teenage years.
We can differentiate ADHD into 2 categories according to the characteristics or symptoms found in children as well as adults.
- Inability to observe minute details of concepts or studies.
- Trouble staying focused on any task or activity
- Poor organization
- Getting easily distracted
- Daydreaming or inattentiveness while performing any task
- Unable to form a daily routine and forgetting things
- Avoiding things or activities which require more concentration
Hyperactive/ Impulsive
- Constantly tapping hands or feet or squirming on the seat while sitting
- Finding it difficult to stay or sit in one posture such as sitting in the classroom
- Always being on the go or in motion
- Talking too much and loud
- Being impatient
- Constantly interrupting or intruding on others’ activities
However, there’s another category where children reflect both types of symptoms according to the situation and age phase. We can call it a mixed nature where they are shy and inattentive when they’re surrounded by many people and act loud when they’re in their comfort zone.
Is it Possible to Prevent Children from ADHD?
Except for the cases of genetic inheritance or prenatal development; we can prevent or at least lower the risk of ADHD in children by promoting healthy habits and environment.
By consulting your doctor about ADHD during your pregnancy phase and following their guidelines may help your child prevent ADHD. During pregnancy, avoiding alcohol consumption and taking a healthy diet help parents a lot to avoid the probability of ADHD.
And, even if you can’t avoid the genetic inheritance of ADHD, you can reduce its effect on your child by providing a healthy environment and living habits.
Parental Tips To Reduce The Effect of ADHD
1. Take Good Prenatal Care
The prenatal phase is the most sensitive phase for children as they are developing. To avoid the negative impact on their physical as well as mental development; you need to provide them with healthy prenatal care. promote good brain health with the help of supplements and nutrients suggested by your doctor in your diet. Avoid a negative environment. Practice peace and complete your sleep hours to avoid mental stress.
2. Avoid Tobacco, Drugs, and Alcohol
Cigarettes, alcohol, and illicit drugs harm you as well as your child’s growth. Try quitting these habits during your prenatal phase to encourage healthy brain development of your child and reduce the risk of ADHD. You can go for smoking and alcohol cessation treatments as suggested by your doctor along with adequate medications that won’t harm your child.
3. Stay Away From Environmental Toxins
Lead and mercury are counted as environmental toxins that damage the brain of children and bar their development during the prenatal phase. Therefore, reduce your exposure to an environment equipped with lead and mercury. For instance, do not live with your child in a house of old paints or water pipelines as they contain lead in large amounts. Don’t live near industrial areas of major power plants or oil refineries since they release mercury into the air.
5. Avoid Head Injuries
Make sure your children are wearing seat belts, headgear, or helmets while involved in physical activities or riding wheelers. Observe their activities and save them from jumping from heights while playing on balconies or near stairs.
6. Practice Healthy Diet Habits
Following a healthy diet routine may help you as well as your child to strengthen the immunity system and maintain your body ratio eventually, drawing a positive and confident impact on mental health. Food plays a vital role in developing your child’s ability to learn, retain information and observe things closely. Healthy food also helps control impulsive behavior and increase sleep quality.
7. Manage Stress
Long-term stress may cause hormonal imbalances in people belonging to all age groups. Stress increases the risk of developing mental and behavioral disorders. Talk to your children and build good trust with them so that they may share their problems with you and find a better solution eventually reducing their stress levels.
8. Maintain a Healthy Environment
Children or adults living in a toxic environment are more prone to stress and a state of adversity. If they constantly see or listen to life problems, they may lose interest in living a happy life.
On the other hand, dominating nature or too much scolding also harms their emotional health. Therefore, it is strongly advised to maintain a positive and healthy environment at home so that your children may groom and become stronger to face the odds of life.
When To Visit Doctor
If the symptoms persist for a long and hamper the overall development of your child, consult his/her pediatrician or family doctor to understand the stage and nature through a medical evaluation to check other possible causes of triggering factors, followed by necessary treatments.
Bottom Line
With the right parenting techniques and a healthy environment, we can treat ADHD and make our children’s life better to perform, live and excel. However, genetically inherited disorders cannot be avoided but can be controlled.
Talk to your children and provide them with a comfortable environment where they can express their problems more and form a trusting bond with you to treat ADHD in a better way.
Remember, the best remedies for any disease are love and care. Let us know if this article is helpful for you and connect with us for other health-related discussions. Till then, stay healthy, and be wealthy!
- Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children - Is It Possible For Parents To Prevent ADHD In Children? - Can You Prevent ADHD? - 30 Ways to Prevent ADHD - Protecting the Health of Children with ADHD - My Child Has Been Diagnosed with ADHD – Now What? - Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in Children–hyperactivity-disorder-adhd-in-children-90-P02552 - ADHD Parenting Tips