
Prediabetic? It’s Time To Be Alert!

With a sedentary lifestyle where you grab your couch and remote to binge watch after an extended working day sitting, ring surety of the prediabetic state. And let’s be serious; it will affect every organ of your body if you’re willing to ignore the symptoms.

Diabetes is more dangerous than the prediabetic state. So it’s better to listen to the alarms around you and wake up to act. With this article, let’s understand why a prediabetic state is crucial for you to be alert and begin precautions.

What is Prediabetes?

Prediabetes generally means that your blood sugar level has increased than the standard count but not enough to be counted under the diabetic state. This means that you’re still out of the diabetes range and can prevent this severe phase where your health anyhow gets compromised.

It is essential to control your blood sugar levels throughout your life. Blood sugar is the primary source of energy your body consumes every day. Therefore it is necessary to maintain its level for a healthy body and life. When this blood sugar level begins fluctuating, you begin experiencing specific changes in your body. Let’s understand what these changes are.

What are the Signs of Prediabetes?

Once you know what prediabetes is, you must look for the probable symptoms or signs that can reflect whether you’re prediabetic or not. Have a glance at these symptoms.

  • Blurry vision
  • Numbness in hands and feet
  • Dryness in mouth
  • Extreme thirst
  • Frequent urination
  • Probabilities of urinary tract infections
  • Irritability, nervousness, or anxiety
  • Tingling
  • Frequent infections
  • Dark patches on the skin
  • Slow healing of wounds

Risk Factors of Prediabetes

Prediabetes doesn’t come by itself. Certain odd lifestyle habits and other hidden factors call it in your life. These risk factors are-

  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Diabetes in your family
  • Being African American, Native American, Latin American, or Asian/Pacific Islander
  • Gestational diabetes while you were pregnant
  • High blood pressure
  • High cholesterol
  • Overweight
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Being 45 years or older

Is Prediabetes Reversible?

And there is good news about prediabetes. Yes! It’s reversible but with a modest lifestyle and healthy diet regime. If you’re overweight, you must shed some weight to control your blood sugar level. Another crucial point is to break down your sedentary lifestyle pattern, which is the leading cause of your prediabetic state. So beware now and get on your feet.

  • Eat a clean and healthy diet to maintain your stamina and immunity.
  • Drink more water so that you feel hydrated.
  • Reduce at least 5-7% of your body weight if you’re overweight.
  • Stop smoking and alcohol consumption.
  • Start walking or exercising at least 30 minutes a day.
  • Maintain a healthy sleep cycle.
  • Keep in touch with your doctor and consult for any test required.

Bottom Line

Since prediabetes can be reversible, you have a fair chance to get things better. But this will take at least 3 years of a healthy diet and active lifestyle to return your body to its normal state. Suppose you need help or advice regarding your diet or healthy lifestyle.

In that case, the Pills Advisor team is there to help you with the best consultation and the affiliation of experienced medical practitioners. But be alert and don’t skip this phase. You can control prediabetes but not over diabetes.


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