Ideal Calorie Consumption & Tips To Burn Calories Faster

What Should Be The Ideal Calorie Consumption for Weight Loss?

If you’re reading this article, you must have been looking for the ideal calorie chart to shred some extra pounds from your body. Isn’t it? Calories are the form of energy with which your body works for different biological mechanisms.

On average, most people need 2000 calories each day by remaining physically active. Where excessive consumption of calories leads to obesity and weight gain, less consumption leads to weaker immunity systems, lethargy, and less focus. 

Now, the question is, how many calories should you take daily to lose weight or prevent your body from gaining weight?

In this article; we will discuss the ideal calorie intake to lose weight along with some calorie burner tips you can practice by yourself. So let’s hop in…

Calorie Intake for Standard Diets

The Dietary Guidelines for Americans state that the amount of calorie intake varies for people concerning their physical states and activity levels along with their age and gender. 

However, according to the Food and Drug Administration, the average calorie intake people should consume daily is 2,000 calories. 

Calorie Intake Based on Daily Activity Levels

Based on the activity on daily basis, people can be categorized into three levels-

  1. Sedentary
  2. Moderately Active
  3. Active

Sedentary people are those who are less active in their daily life. They remain inactive by sitting or lying, and not participating in rigorous physical activities. Where moderately active people engage in physical activities thrice a week, active people conclude with daily involvement.

According to their energy consumption, people must decide their daily calorie intake. Unless you are involved in some physical sports or training regime, you either fall under the moderate or active level of energy consumption which requires 2000-2200 calories.

Calorie Intake for Sedentary Adults

Adult males of sedentary level falling between the age range of 18-40 need around 2400-2600 calories in a day as recommended by the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. 

As they get older with the same level of activity, they require fewer calories as the consumption rate gets low. Therefore, they need around 2200 calories coming to the age range of 41-60 and just 2,000 calories post the age of 60. 

Sedentary females require around 1800 calories per day. It is only with the age range of 18-25 that requires 2000 calories. Post the age of 51, they need 1600 calories.

To calculate how many calories you need to reduce, you need to identify the calorie intake to maintain your current ideal weight and then subtract it by 500. This will give a generalized idea about your daily calorie intake. You can shred around 1000 calories daily using this formula.

The Impact of Taking Less Than Few Calories

People often take the advice of reducing calories way too seriously and begin burning more calories than required. Cutting off calories more than required may depreciate your health.

It slows down your metabolic rate and reduces immunity to fight against severe diseases. It may deprive your essential amounts of nutrients and vitamins. It can even be life-threatening.

Calculate your Metabolic rate

Therefore, we advise you to seek medical guidance for calculating your daily calorie intake with the help of certain diet plans drafted by your physician as per your health state.

According to the statistical reports of Harvard Health Publishing, females must not consume less than 1200 calories regularly whereas males must not consume less than 1500 calories unless their physician has told them to do so. 

How To Burn Extra Calories at Home?

Apart from cutting down the extra calories from your daily diet, if you want faster results, you can adopt these healthy habits and smart ideas to burn some extra calories. Check them out-

  1. Set an ideal routine to go for a morning walk or evening walk to burn calories.
  2. Choose stairs instead of elevators for the difference of 2-3 floors.
  3. Park your car at a distance so that you may walk a bit longer and shred some calories.
  4. Exercise even if you do it at least but do sustain the consistency.
  5. Join a physical sport to play twice a week.
  6. Include complex carbohydrates in your diet such as natural oatmeal, sweet potatoes, and brown rice which need more calories to consume. 
  7. Include egg white, chicken, turkey, lean red meat, or fish as a source of lean protein.
  8. Have meals on smaller plates reducing your daily portion. 
  9. Avoid eating if you’re not feeling hungry and try to take foods that make you feel full for a longer span.
  10. Cut off fatty, deep-fried, and sugar dishes as they carry no nutrients and are high in calories.

Bottom Line

With the right eating habits, daily exercise, and a stress-free fixed routine, you enhance the probability of living a healthy life. If you do so, you won’t need to cut off calories as they will automatically get balanced with your routine.

So get yourself set to live a healthier and moderated life and maintain your energy levels. Till then, stay healthy and be wealthy!


  1. 3 Ways to Use Technology to Help Support Your Mental Health:
  2. How Many Calories Should I Eat to Lose Weight?:

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