hacks to avoid cold and flu in this winter

Top 7 Hacks To Avoid Cold & Flu This Winter

Winter is full of snow, firewood, warm clothes, and Christmas preps. But there’s one more thing that often ruins the fun of the season- Cold & Flu.

No matter how much you have heated your room with blowers or wrapped up in warm blankets; you eventually catch a cold with a single stroke of cold waves once you get out of that arena. 

Once you get a cold and flu, it takes around more than a week to recover from it, and you never know when it can hit you back. Therefore, medical experts often suggest taking extra care of your health during winter. 

But there’s nothing to worry about seasonal colds as they can be cured with a handful of smart home hacks you can do yourself. Want to know how? Let’s hop in…

1. Drink Hot Liquids

By drinking hot liquids, you prevent dehydration. Hot liquids soothe your uncomfortably inflamed membranes, lining your nose and throat. You can drink herbal tea, and hot coffee or fill up your sipper with lukewarm water. This will help you get relief from nasal congestion.

2. Don’t Forget Probiotics

Probiotics help to soften your body’s inflammatory response towards cold and flu. These are friendly bacteria and yeast found in various foods and supplements. 

They help keep your gut and immune system strong, reducing infection in your upper respiratory system. Besides this, probiotics also provide protein and calcium. You can have yogurt as a good source of probiotics to avoid colds and flu.

3. Load Up With Vitamin C

Limes, oranges, grapefruits, leafy greens, and kiwi are good sources of vitamin C which help you prevent cold and flu. 

You can either take lemon juice with lukewarm water or add it to your tea along with some honey. Vitamin C strengthens your immune system, boosting your strength to fight against infections.

4. Stay Hydrated

Staying hydrated is the best home remedy to boost energy, balance blood flow, and remove toxins and wastes from your body. 

Water delivers nutrients to your body cells and regulates your body temperature. Therefore it is highly recommended to consume water at least half of your body weight (in ounces) to prevent mild to severe diseases. 

5. Take Warm Shower

A good warm shower helps ease your nasal passages. Adding Epsom salt or baking soda to your bathing water reduces body aches. 

You can also add a few drops of essential oils such as tea tree, rosemary, orange, or eucalyptus as they have a soothing effect to make you feel more relaxed.

6. Take Immunity Booster

While battling with a cold and flu; don’t skip taking healthy meals including ingredients that boost your immunity. 

Cranberries, blueberries, mustard, or horseradish and onions are counted among the best immunity boosters to let you fight against cold and flu.

7. Stay Warm & Rest More

While you’re suffering from a cold and flu, it is essential to keep yourself warm by avoiding going outside in the cold. 

Just grab your warm blanket, put on some fire wood or switch on blowers, take a hot beverage, and rest as much as you can. This will concentrate your energy to fight easily against the flu and make you feel better.

Bottom Line

You can knock the cold and flu out with these smart home hacks but remember that if symptoms get worse or you doubt that it’s not flu but more severe than that then consult your doctor immediately and begin your medications as prescribed by them. 


  1. https://www.webmd.com/cold-and-flu/12-tips-prevent-colds-flu-1
  2. https://www.healthline.com/health/cold-flu/home-remedies#learn-more
  3. https://drpingel.com/home-remedies-for-cold-andflu/#:~:text=7%20Best%20Home%20Remedies%20for%20Cold%20and%20Flu,7%207.%20Try%20out%20some%20old%20standards.%20

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