Muscle Spasms : Overview, Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Overview: Among every troop of 10, around 7-8 people are dealing with muscular pain. It can either involve a small area including your neck, back, leg, hand, or feet, or your whole body, giving you strong jolts of pain, ranging from mild to sharp.
Muscle pain or myalgia is generally considered a sign of injury, infection, disease, or other health problem. It can impact people of almost all age ranges.
Whenever you try any new physical activity or switch your daily exercise routine, you start experiencing Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS). After a span of 6-12 hours of physical activity or exercise, you start experiencing sheer pain in your body parts which can last up to 48 hours.
Muscular pain does not come alone but often accompanied by joint pain, muscle cramps, and spasms.
Muscle pain can be caused by neuromuscular disorders, injuries, infections, autoimmune diseases, or as a side effect of long-term medications. Other causes of muscle pain may include Dystonia, Fibromyalgia, Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid), Influenza (flu), Lupus, or Lyme disease.