Erectile Dysfunction : Overview, Symptoms Causes and Treatment
Overview: Erectile Dysfunction or ED has become a serious concern for men. Around 30 Million men around the world are dealing with this problem which is causing relationship problems in their personal life. In the United States, it is the most common problem men report to physicians.
Erectile Dysfunction or ED is defined as trouble getting or keeping an erection progressively. Although men often encounter this problem of erection it keeps on intimidating their sexual life, and you need to consult with a doctor.
ED generally happens when there is erratic blood flow in the penis due to damaged nerves, being stressed, or as an early warning sign of some serious illness such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart problems, or atherosclerosis. Urologists often consider ED as a warning sign of cardiovascular diseases where blockages start building in men’s vascular system.
When men are not sexually aroused, their penis becomes soft and limp. They may notice that the size of their penis varies with warmth, cold, and stress. The size variation is normal as it reflects the balanced flow of blood into the vessels of the penis. But, if the penis is remaining numb even after sexual arousal, there’s something to be discussed with the Urologists.
Unlocking Confidence: Visual Insights into Erectile Dysfunction Awareness and Treatment