December 2022

Cardiac Arrest

Instant Treatment for Cardiac Arrest

Cardiac arrest can strike without warning, and it can be fatal. People with heart disease or older than 50 probably encounter sudden cardiac arrest. The condition is related to your heart’s electrical system.  It occurs with the abrupt loss of heart functions, shallow breathing, and unconsciousness. With sudden cardiac arrest, the heart’s pumping action disrupts …

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mental health & Physical Health

Why Mental Health Matters & How To Maintain That?

Although our mind and body are considered two separate systems. But, the fact is that your mental and physical health draw counter-effects on each other.  Where a healthy mental state impacts your body constructively, poor mental health ruins it overall despite all your efforts with work-life balance and a healthy diet.  Have you ever experienced …

Why Mental Health Matters & How To Maintain That? Read More »

hunger headache

Hunger Headache: Know The Causes, Symptoms & Preventions

Shuffling between the busy routine of personal and professional life, we start skipping our daily meals or not having them at a fixed time. Isn’t it? With such a routine, we begin complaining about consistent headaches. This headache lasts after we have something to munch. With due course of time, the headache gets worse if …

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Ideal Calorie Consumption & Tips To Burn Calories Faster

What Should Be The Ideal Calorie Consumption for Weight Loss?

If you’re reading this article, you must have been looking for the ideal calorie chart to shred some extra pounds from your body. Isn’t it? Calories are the form of energy with which your body works for different biological mechanisms. On average, most people need 2000 calories each day by remaining physically active. Where excessive …

What Should Be The Ideal Calorie Consumption for Weight Loss? Read More »